Friday 4 February 2011

Friday 4th Feb 2011

Omfg lmao
I cannot believe it's been about 2 years since i last posted on here! :O how terrible of me! >_<
So much has happened since then. I ended up dropping off my course at college, as bad as that sounds i know i know not goods lol, i realized it wasn't what i wanted to do with my life. So now i'm aiming to get a job to save up for some training elsewhere hehe.
Iggy and i broke up earlier last year, followed by my mother setting me creepily lmao up with this random dude from her work. one word eek - i can't even remember how long we dated but trust me, it wasn't long :S lmao. He was a complete asshole i swear. Met him at the pub and he was like 'i'm bored' so we went for a walk and he was still like 'i'm bored' i have no idea what made me date him o_O lmao
So then he invited me to his 21st birthday party, turned out he'd told NOBODY we were dating so i got suspicious, as it turns out he was dating another girl behind my back and so 2 timing us both, i felt awful that she didn't know but i had no way to tell her so meh. anyway dumped the sod lmao
Stayed single ^_^ yey hehehe
right now i'm unemployed (joy not! >_<) and trying to find something, then hopefully saving up to do some training to become a personal trainer YEY! ^_^ lol
Somewhere along these lines i decided that after that and after i've got a home of my own, i found an urge to go to London and become an actress :/ not sure where that came from! LMAO
Meh it's something i've always enjoyed but because of stupidly listening to others about 'oh don't study this, don't try and get a job in this etc, it's not a good idea, there's no money or security in it' and so on lol
i've never really gotten round to doing anything about it :/ but now it's time for me to do what I WANT not what others want so tough to them :P hehehe ^_^
I'm sooo excited this week as well! :O :D i'm getting a doggy! YEYS! ^_^ hehehe lol i've wanted one since i was a kid but i've never been allowed to get one.
Living with my mother, sister and her bf/fiance she's always had a load of pets, mainly hamsters, but some fish too. Mums been funny about me getting one, no matter how small a pet i asked for :S ugh
Sister's had 18 in total o_O how fairs that? :S >_< 5 fish, 4 died cause the other bit them - freaky fish :S it watches me everytime i go in the kitchen, i swear it's waiting.. >_< 1 oyster.. which was eaten by the remaining fish ew :S o_O >_< poor lil guy! :O i hate that fish :S >_< ugh lol
then she's had 4 hamsters that died, a bigger 1 that sadly also died, she was nice! :)
all replaced with 4 more lil ones, her bf had 2 lil ones as well that died aww and another big one now :/
so 5 fish, 1 oyster and 12 hamsters o_O and i asked for (and got turned down) first a dog, then a rat, then a fish or a hamster, all times turned down. Something very fishy is going on here :/ XD lol, meh i half expected it from my Mother lol, my Sister always gets what she wants.
But now FINALLY i get a dog! YEY! ^_^ lol
Being given her by a local woman from Ashton lol, she couldn't look after the dog anymore really because she had her hands full with her 4 kids bless :) nice children, met them hehehe
We're picking up Misty (the dog lol) sometime this weekend and her stuff too :D :P hehe
Can't wait! lol i've spent yesterday and some of today tidying up the flat, somewhat annoyed that nobody else has been helping :S >_< gah, but erm.. meh at least i've tried? :) lol my rooms never looked so clean! LMAO XD
Anyway i'll be updating this blog hopefully everyday (can't promise though! lol) about how i get on with Misty ^_^ :)
She's going to need a LOT of training because she picked up so many bad habits from her various owners, i'll look after her and train her well (hopefully lol)
Wish me luck! xx ^_^